Thursday, February 16, 2006


So I discovered a little while ago that Mixing Memory has been nominated for a Koufax Award for Best Expert Blog. I'm pretty sure I have Coturnix to thank for that, so thank you. Anyway, despite my huge ego, I don't feel like I could compete with, well, any of those other blogs. I know I, for one, will be voting for RealClimate, because those guys are seriously smart, and their posts are always informative. It's nice to know that someone (i.e. Coturnix) has a high opinion of this blog, though, and it's nice to be mentioned along with some of those other blogs.


Bora Zivkovic said...

Hey, you deserve all the extra eyes this should bring you. Hopefully, some of them will become regular readers. Your blog definitely belongs in that group, even if PZ and Juan Cole end up duking it out for the top spot. I initially nominated most of the science blogs on that list, and I hope they all get new readers, as well as I hope this makes the Left blogopshere better aquanted with the rich menu of science blogs on the Left.

OAC said...

Your blog helped me a lot this first semester in my Introduction to Cognitive Psychology. Thanks a lot. Please keep going. is it possiple for you to explore the thought of Ernst Cassirer regarding his view on man as symbolyzing animal? Thanks. Looking forward to your reply.

Chris said...

oac, glad I could help. I'm a huge Cassirer fan (he was one of the first philosophers I really got into as an undergraduate), and I've thought of doing some Cassirer posts, particularly related to his discussion of the origion of language, but I'm not really sure what direction to take. As you probably know, you have to have a pretty narrow topic to make a blog post, or series of posts work. Any suggestions?